We're pleased to share some of the most relevant tools and websites.
Gold Standard Carbon Offsets - Provides carbon offsetting projects to reduce emissions
Energy & Water Reporting and Benchmarking – Large Buildings - provides support to building owners whose buildings have a gross floor area of 50,000 square feet or more
Live Green @ Work - Provides resources for green teams
Reducing Single-Use Program - Program is designed to encourage and enable businesses to take small actions to eliminate unnecessary use of single-use and takeaway items in their operations, and celebrate those who are already doing so
The City of Toronto also provides downloadable resources to guide businesses for product alternatives for single-use food and beverage containers and accessory items.
Save On Energy - incentives for HVAC redesign, lighting retrofits and controls, chiller replacement, variable speed drive installations.
Electric Vehicle Rebate - up to $5000
EV Charging Infrastructure - funding for EV chargers
Enbridge Incentives and Conservation Programs - incentives for high efficiency equipment
Net Metering- lower your electricity bill by generating power with wind or solar
Eco Roof Incentive Program - grants for green or cool roofs in Toronto
Energy Retrofit Loans - for all buildings in Toronto, covers 100% of project costs
SolarTO - complimentary consultations and guidance to residents and businesses to support the installation of solar PV systems on Toronto’s homes and buildings.
Building Retrofits through Efficiency Capital - assistance with design, management, and capital cost of retrofits
Green Freight Assessment Program - funding to lower emissions from freight transportation (medium and heavy duty vehicles)
Capacity Buyback Program - open to commercial and institutional organizations in Toronto, the Program offers a free water audit and one-time cash rebate
Industrial Water Rate Program - Open to industrial water customers, the Industrial Water Rate offers a discounted water rate (called the Block 2 rate) to manufacturers that implement a water conservation plan
Sewer Surcharge Rebate Program - rebate is based on the percentage of purchased drinking water not returned to the City via the sanitary sewer system and is applied to the sewer portion of the water rate
SME Climate Hub - SME resources for assessing climate risk
SME Business Continuity Resources - checklists to help you prepare for business disruption
TCFD Resources - guidance on how to assess climate risk
TCFD Workshops in a Box - TCFD workshop slides
PPG Building a Climate Resilient Business Resource Kit – provide local context for climate change risks in the GTA and support businesses as they prepare for them
Climate Risk Matrices – Pg 24-30
Climate Change and Canada’s Cities – retrieved from Climate Atlas
Climate Solution Centre
Electrify your vehicle fleet - BDC resources to help support companies to change there vehicles to EV’s
Raise climate awareness in your business - BDC resources to help get employees involved with climate awareness
Optimize your heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) - BDC resources to provide support for businesses to optimize HVAC systems
Integrate climate into your business strategy - BDC resources for how to create a climate action plan in businesses
Maximize your equipment efficiency - BDC resources for how to improve equipment efficiency
Retrofit your building to reduce its energy use - BDC resources for how to reduce energy use in business buildings
Manage your organic waste - BDC resources for how to reduce organic waste produced and resources to get employees on board
Produce renewable energy on-site - BDC resources for how to shift energy to renewables in your business
Interested in learning more? Get in touch with us today.